Wednesday, August 31, 2011

My new bracelet!!!

OK. So I just got a new bracelet last night. Some of you might have seen that I posted this on buzz, but this is what it says:

Monday, August 29, 2011


Ok. So I was at volleyball practice today at school (some of you were there with me) and it was raining outside. No big deal. Then it started thundering. Again no big deal. Then, we heard this really loud clap of thunder and we all started to get kinda freaked out. We all look up to the skylight, and there is HAIL on the glass. Not just rain but HAIL. Everybody started screaming and running around and freaking out. Then the soccer team came inside. The hail started pelting down on the gym and it was maybe I don't know marble sized hail? Then the wind outside got so strong it blew the doors to the gym open! Some of the parents had to stand by the doors to keep them closed. We look outside the door and its raining so hard we can't even see a few feet in front of us. The rain was blowing sideways and there were a ton of leaves blowing around with it. Our coaches told us all to get in the maintenance room (its made of cinder block). We stayed in there for a while until it calmed down. I spent the majority of the time hugging Caroline! She protected me :) :) :) We finally came out when it was a lot calmer and my mom picked me up. We came outside and the sun was out, no rain, and no more hail (except what was on the ground). I'm glad we're all safe, and I know there was a rainbow out there somewhere!!! <3 :)

Sunday, August 28, 2011

What a life. :)

My life is so hard. I sat on my bed for like an hour today doing my homework and stuffing my face with Hershey kisses.  And video chatting with my sista. Life is hard. I know.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Hurricane Irene... :/

Wow. I was watching the news this morning about the hurricane, and there was some live footage from Atlantic Beach. It was of the Sheraton hotel where I stayed last month. The pier we walked mostly gone. That's kind of scary...

Gracie... cat needs to take a chill pill. Ever since my dad got out that stupid laser light toy like 4 hours ago...she has not calmed down! And she is rubbing against my computer and trying to use the end table as a scratching post. She is knocking everything off every table in the whole house! Man, now I'M tired from trying to calm her down...YAWWWNNNNN

My new blog!

Yay! I finally got a name for my blog that hasn't been taken by someone else...sure took long enough! Well, I hope y'all like my blog and I will post as often as I can!